Maximinus uses a concept called R2R ladder. This is a resistor matrix that is switched for the various output levels outputting a fraction of an internal reference (much like a volume control). In order to bring the performance of multibit DAC’s to new levels the only solution is to build them from discrete components as there are no off the shelf chips good enough. This involves the selection of ultra precision resistors, thermally coupling them and building a very fast and sophisticated switching logic to control them. The result is an order of magnitude better performance than what was achieved by legacy NOS Philips or Burr Brown chips. We use a custom 1ppm precision conversion module. To take advantage of the available resolution and bandwidth we had to implement a state of the art digital pre-processing. This is a suite of algorithms that would apply digital filtering and up sampling to the incoming data stream.
2 x COAX (RCA) connectors limited to 384 kHz, 24 bit data
2 x AES/EBU (XLR) connectors
2 x TOSLINK (optic) connectors – This format has limited bandwidth and works for maximum sample rates of 192 kHz
1 x USB (optional)
1 pair unbalanced RCA connectors
1 pair balanced XLR connectors
115 or 230V